
Double - 2011
Laser cut veneered wood, paint, metal hinges
91cm x 419cm x 18cm (36" x 165" x 7")
Exhibition History: Owens Art Gallery, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB, 2011; Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK, 2012
Double incorporates silhouette, repetition, cutting and folding in a wall installation comprised of eighty-eight identical hinged elements. The ornamental pattern of these square units is based on the design of a multi coloured baroque wall tile. This work, created for the exhibition Paper Doll, was partially inspired by chains of identical cut paper dolls made from folded lengths of paper. The wood and the hinges, which serve to emphasize the mechanics of folding, move the piece away from the delicacy of paper into the realm of built structures. Double refers to the repeat in modernist modular constructions and in historic ornament - it engages with the idea of the copy and the meaning and impact of repetition.